Sunday, May 31, 2009

There Is A "Brand New" Free Skype Software SearchTool, That Enables You To Send Your Message To Thousands!

Use this Software by adding thousands of people to your Skype contacts for FREE, by clicking a button and then send them a message.
There are over 400 Million Skype users registered and there are between 10 & 15 Million currently online.
Use this tool to massively increase your business and social Contacts.
go to
Watch the 12 minute video, and then register for Free.
Cheers D!

What Can You Do To Build A List Outside Friends And Family?

The big mistake that most people make is they join a network marketing opportunity and they then get so excited and tell all the people they know about the opportunity.
You might get lucky and join a few people up but the after a while people get sick of you approaching them.
What you should do is look at building you list outside this community.
How do I do this you ask?
There are lots of ways to contact people on the net.
Social Networking is the way to contact people for free.
Join Facebook, Twitter, and Skype.
Just joining these three will give you the jump on most people.
Use these tools to build your list.
while you are building your list, you can search for the company or product that you might want to get involved in.
These tools are essential in getting a list, the next step is to monotise this list! D !

Where Can I Get The Network Marketing Skillset Required Before I Can Make Money On The Internet?

Well you have to start from somewhere, and I have searched the net for years for help in this regard. I came across a program called Magnetic Sponsoring owned by a guy called Mark Dillard.
I got involved and used his Magnetic Sponsoring book to get started. I purchased the book and it gave me great in site into why he was successful, and the tools needed to replicate his success. He built relationships with his lists, and continued to give free tips to anyone who contacted him.
I have created a list of emails that I send people who contact me in regards to this program.
They replicate what I do, and that guarantees them that they can tap into my knowledge.
Go to into that capture page and let me show you what I can do for YOU. D !

What Are The First Steps To Take If You Are New To Network Marketing!

Well that's very easy, don't join any Network Marketing Companies, and learn the basic skillset needed to utilise and market on the net.
Where do you start?
Well contact me and tell me what you want to do and I will help you.
I have Relationships all over the Globe and I have looked at many of the businesses on offer so you will get sound advise from me. D !