Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Are You Considering Leaving Your Job And Getting Involved In An Online Business?

If your answer is yes to this question, where do you start?

Well today people are tired of working for other people, and the internet offers them an opportunity to work for themselves, and I think that this is the major reason why there has been such an explosion in internet based businesses.

This is the new economy. The old economy is losing Jobs by the hundreds of thousands, and people can see that there is a future online!

We are entering what is called The Transformation Age, where people are looking at transforming themselves into the people who they want to become.

The keys to business moving forward are being authentic and keeping it real.

Remember bad news travels a lot faster than good news.

People are choosing some type of internet based business to get involved which is perfect for many people because it is convenient to manage and relatively easy and inexpensive to setup.

The biggest mistake is that they join a person who is involved in a company that promises them untold riches, or they promise that the product they have is unique and that there are no competitors.

This is so far from the truth that it is laughable. Most people join a person not a company, so if that person has a disagreement with the company they try to take their people to another opportunity.

Businesses now have to be flexible and allow their members to be involved in more than one company, otherwise their business will be under threat by the up and coming competitors.

You must do some preliminary work, before you decide to set yourself up on the internet.

See My Previous article on "The Five Pillars".

The first thing that you will need is a business plan.

A good business plan enables you to consider important things like identifying products and services, competition, sources of funding, target market, and competitive strategy.

There are plenty of things to consider before joining a business opportunity. Does the company you decide to get involved have the financial backing to continue doing business on the net? Is their website functional, for the user, and the consumer? What are the reputations of the people involved? What marketing and sales tools do they have available to the user? Is the compensation plan offered fair, and has it been changed since the launch of the company?

An internet business can really be a lot of fun, and can be very easy to setup and manage, but some planning needs to be done first. If you get that done right, then all that you need for your job is a laptop and an internet connection, and your office can be literally anywhere.

Just remember, do your research first before you jump in and commit yourself to an opportunity. There will always be another one!

If you find this article helpful, please comment and recommend others to view. D !


  1. Thanks David, Great article, I agree with you about being real, keeping it real and having a plan. Cheers,

  2. Great article David: You hit it right on the head. People join people not companies. This article is of great Value. Thanks for reminder.
    Your friend


  3. download links
    hi.. i also wanted to start working online rather than going to office and work.. this article gives me hope.. i belive one day people will think like you.. all the best 4 me and u
