Friday, June 5, 2009

What Is The First Mistake Network Marketers When Approaching Prospects About Their Brand New Exciting Opportunity?

Well I think the only subject we should tackle it the ME scenario.
What is this you ask?
Well whenever someone approaches me with a product or service they launch into what THEY want to tell me, that's the wrong approach.
They send me to a website that talks about the company and themselves.
How Boring!
This me approach fails every time. What they should be doing is is asking questions about me, and finding out what I am doing, and a little about who I am. By doing this they are starting to create a relationship.
Their website should be asking questions of the prospect.

Relationships are more important than what you sell or what service you offer. So remember that all your conversations and websites and other materials that you have should reflect this.
Its all about the person you are speaking to, and what you can do for them, not about who you are and your opportunity, or your company.
Recommend this post to people who could benefit from this information! D !

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