Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Are You Considering Leaving Your Job And Getting Involved In An Online Business?

If your answer is yes to this question, where do you start?

Well today people are tired of working for other people, and the internet offers them an opportunity to work for themselves, and I think that this is the major reason why there has been such an explosion in internet based businesses.

This is the new economy. The old economy is losing Jobs by the hundreds of thousands, and people can see that there is a future online!

We are entering what is called The Transformation Age, where people are looking at transforming themselves into the people who they want to become.

The keys to business moving forward are being authentic and keeping it real.

Remember bad news travels a lot faster than good news.

People are choosing some type of internet based business to get involved which is perfect for many people because it is convenient to manage and relatively easy and inexpensive to setup.

The biggest mistake is that they join a person who is involved in a company that promises them untold riches, or they promise that the product they have is unique and that there are no competitors.

This is so far from the truth that it is laughable. Most people join a person not a company, so if that person has a disagreement with the company they try to take their people to another opportunity.

Businesses now have to be flexible and allow their members to be involved in more than one company, otherwise their business will be under threat by the up and coming competitors.

You must do some preliminary work, before you decide to set yourself up on the internet.

See My Previous article on "The Five Pillars".

The first thing that you will need is a business plan.

A good business plan enables you to consider important things like identifying products and services, competition, sources of funding, target market, and competitive strategy.

There are plenty of things to consider before joining a business opportunity. Does the company you decide to get involved have the financial backing to continue doing business on the net? Is their website functional, for the user, and the consumer? What are the reputations of the people involved? What marketing and sales tools do they have available to the user? Is the compensation plan offered fair, and has it been changed since the launch of the company?

An internet business can really be a lot of fun, and can be very easy to setup and manage, but some planning needs to be done first. If you get that done right, then all that you need for your job is a laptop and an internet connection, and your office can be literally anywhere.

Just remember, do your research first before you jump in and commit yourself to an opportunity. There will always be another one!

If you find this article helpful, please comment and recommend others to view. D !

Sunday, June 28, 2009

What You Should Consider When Joining That Once In A Lifetime Business Opportunity!!!

Have you ever heard of the 5 pillars of Success?

They're often used to determine if a network marketing company has what it take to help those who join, succeed. It is hard to believe how many people actually believe the 5 pillars have validity. There are people who share that they are in a 5 pillar company as if this is actually criteria that will help them succeed. 5 Pillars first and foremost are 5 common sense Business 101 concepts. Secondly, and probably most important, these 5 pillars were created, discussed and designed to help justify their opportunity as the "one", at whatever time they were promoting.

1st Pillar: Does the company have management with experience and integrity?

I agree but to go further wouldn't any company have to have good management with integrity to succeed. I am willing to bet that if Henry Ford was to start the Ford Motor Company today, there would be people on the Internet accusing him of being a scam. The Ford Motor Company that exists today is the 4th company Henry Ford put together. The first three all went bankrupt. So in today's standards he would be a scammer, crook and no one should ever invest, trust him and there would be all kinds of people complaining on the Internet. So the reality is you have to understand the accuracy of information and the purpose behind it before making a decision. The reality is most people are good and some business ideas fail. Doesn't mean the intention was bad. It was his persistence and determination that developed and changed this country. Sometimes great ideas need time to develop.

2nd Pillar: The Product! Does the company offer a unique product with value?

Every network marketing company says its product is unique. If that was true, and I will just narrow on the nutrition (which includes vitamins, juices, etc.) wouldn't it make sense then people would continue to buy these products even if the opportunity wasn't there. Yet they don't. Just a question? If there was a value in the product, why would people just not buy the product. Yet when you look at these companies from a Distributor to Customer ratio the Distributor ratio is much higher. One last thought on this subject if offering a unique product makes you successful in business, or at least network marketing, then why are the most successful companies in recent times, none of them had a proprietary product. WalMart, Amazon, EBay, iTunes and many more did not have a specific product yet found a way to distribute the products people were already buying and using in a more cost effective manner. So maybe this theory is a little self serving to those companies that think they have a product that will change the world. What's been changing is the distribution method.

3rd Pillar: Timing?

Why is that all the people who get involved at the beginning tell everyone else that is the worst time to get in. Wait for momentum. You can do what I have done in less time and easier. No - historically the people who have made the big money have positioned themselves early to take advantage of the masses coming in during momentum. The story has worked well for those few though.
According to Paul Zane Pilzer, world renowned economist and author of 8 bestselling books: "Of all the entrepreneurial opportunities available today, one of the most important is direct selling, also called 'network marketing'. The direct selling industry...is perfectly positioned to create many of the Next Millionaires." Never before in history has there been a better time for anyone, to become an entrepreneur! A lot of people use this quote. It is so incorrect on so many levels it is not even funny. Direct selling is not also called Network marketing. Actually they are two different distribution methods that have been lumped together so I will give him the benefit of the doubt. Network Marketing is NOT an industry. Be clear. If you sell vitamins, juice, nutritional supplements, you ARE in the nutrition / health field utilizing network marketing as the distribution channel. If you sell phones, cellular service, you ARE in the telecommunications industry. If you sell travel services, you ARE in the travel industry. If you sell lower consumer gas, you are in the ENERGY business.


This is the reason so many people do not see the value in the products but the opportunity. They believe the business you are in is network marketing. It is not. So when you understand this you can then move forward.

4th Pillar: Compensation Plan!

Compensation plans vary and often times are not lucrative to the business owner. Many different forms of compensation plan exists. While many will argue theirs is the best, the binary (that has proven to fail more than succeed), the forced matrix (track record not very good) and many others does not matter as much as you may believe. What is important is does the compensation plan reward you fairly for your efforts. Because the truth is most people do not do want is necessary for success. The biggest argument against the typical network marketing compensation plan is you are forced to buy a specific product in order to get paid every month. So there sales are forced sales not value based sales. Many of the people say I would buy X product even if there wasn't an opportunity and yet as soon as they move on or see the opportunity is not what they thought it was, they stop buying the product. A single product focused (and it does not matter whether you have 1 or 15 different products but all the products are industry specific such as nutritional products) your opportunity is very limited in scope. There is not a single product that exists that EVERYONE must have, desire or will utilize. Compensation Plan not matter how good you think it is can never overcome the obstacle of a limited market and limited interest.

5th Pillar: Does it have the systems in place for success?

Does your company offer websites and tools that are clean, concise yet persuasive? Do the websites give the consumer information in a simple yet informative way? Do they offer training, training calls, upline support, access to leads and other tools that are duplicatable and promote success to the downline team members? Most companies today do. So what? Companies want you to believe the video, brochures, and all the samples in the world will replace what this field of distribution really is about. (Personal communication) Unless you are willing to talk to people and engage them in whatever, the tools are just that tools. The tools are designed to help you communicate not replace the communication.

Business is changing. These 5 pillars were designed to help justify the opportunity at the time. They are still used by many.
Here is reality. People do and buy what they buy. They will continue to do that no matter how great you believe your product is. The one thing about consumers that is becoming more evident daily is they are seeking value. We are engaged in the most efficient and effective distribution channel there is - the internet.

It is the distribution of products that is changing in business.

If you found this article interesting please add a comment and recommend this post.

Monday, June 22, 2009

How Do I Become A Network Marketer? What Is Involved? What Are The Start Up Costs?

A true network marketer, is I believe someone who gives more than they receive, and someone who is willing to help people with no ulterior motive. I help other people with free tips and tools, to help build their list outside friends and family.
I believe if I help people, money is a consequence of that effort.

What is the first thing one should do when you decide to become a network marketer?

Building this list is the 1st priority
I get lot of approaches from various people on all the companies and products that are available.
I say no to most. Why? I do not like being tied down to one company because they have all these rules and regulations about what other interests or companies that I can get involved in.
I don't like these restrictions.

What is involved in Network Marketing?

The First Key is to learn the basics, so I recommend you go http://www.myglobalincome.com and purchase the Magnetic Sponsoring book.

I will email you a 5 part series of Training emails, so you can set up your own .com, subdomains, email, autoresponder, and Skype and Twitter Tools that are available to build your list.
I am also available on Skype, and Twitter as pegahorn. So once you receive the emails you can contact me and I will train you one on one.

How Much Does It Cost?

1. Magnetic Sponsoring Book $US40.00 http://www.myglobalincome.com
2.Your Domain Name $US15.00 Approx http://www.godaddy.com
3. Autoresponder $US10.00 per Month Minimum http://icontact.pegahorn.com
4. A Free Skype Search Software Tool $US14.95 per Month http://skype.pegahorn.com
5. Twitter Automated Response System $US25.00 Approx http://twitter.pegahorn.com

So the total cost to you to set this up is only a $US104.95 outlay.

You don't have to pay someone thousands of dollars to become involved in their system.
By actioning these steps you can now build the list of contacts you need to start a business.
You then can now go about creating that secondary income but you must make a commitment to yourself and let me give you the training and tools to succeed


If you find this article useful please recommend other people to view it!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Will An Autoresponder Help My Business? How Do I Set It Up, And Use It Effectively?

An Autoresponder is a tool that enables you to send a message to multiple users at the click of a button, and allows you to track what percentage of emails are opened and by whom.

It also is a very valuable tool to utilize because it will allow you to cut down on your workload, and see how effective your email campaigns are.

Who wants to cut and past an email to 100 people via Outlook?

The Program I use is icontact because it is reliable and relatively inexpensive, and also the program has great extra features.

Please open this link http://icontact.pegahorn.com and take advantage of the 15 day free trial.
If you are unable to click onto this link, copy and paste it to your web browser or website address bar.) During the 15 day trial play with icontact and see what sort of things you are able achieve with it.

You will be able to address your prospects by their first name etc.

Remember Autoresponders are very easy to use and they are an extremely valuable tool, especially when building a relationship with your list.

Below are instructions on how to add contacts, send a message, and set up your autoresponder messages.

1. Adding contacts to your icontact list:

Go to my contacts, then click on to create a list.
(You can import a list from a file or add them one at a time).
Complete the details, then click save and add contacts, and then click import contacts from a file, or the add one at a time button.

How to add to your list one at a time:

a. Click the “My Contacts Tab”
b. In the box that says: “Add Contacts” click on “One at a time”. You can now add the details of your prospects. At this stage whilst you are still learning add them one at a time, later on you can learn the export method once you are getting more than 10 leads a day.
c. Once the “add a contact page” is open complete all the details and then add them to the appropriate Autoresponder list or lists.
d. DO NOT CLICK THE BOX THAT SAYS “Require Confirmation”. Then hit the “Add Contact” button. To find them go to the “Browse Contacts list” tab.

2. Entering a Message in icontact:

Create a message that you want to send to your contacts in a Word Document.
The reason for this is that your icontact Autoresponder only allows about 30 minutes on one page before it times out. So type your message first in a Word Document and then copy and paste it in to your icontact message.
a. Highlight the message that you have saved in your word document then click copy.
b. Go back to your icontact page and right click on your mouse in the text box and a new box will then appear with the words “paste from word...” written in it. Select that.
c. A box will appear, and in that box paste the message from your word document, and then hit “Insert”. This will now show up in the message text box. You can now play with it and fix it up and so now it is ready to go. Use their name in the document by using the code [fname] etc. You can also insert a photo if you like by hitting the little picture on top of the message text box.
Make sure you highlight your websites and email addresses in the document by clicking the Link button on the top of the document to create all the appropriate links.
d. Once in the Text box go through it and make sure all is ok and fix up anything that may look incorrect, click the quick save button on the top, scroll down a little and hit the “Copy Text” button and it will copy all the text into the 'Text Only Version”.
e. Then click quick save on the bottom of the page.
f. Then click the “Spam Check” button to ensure your message will not be picked up as spam. A new window will appear and give you a spam rating.
You must score a points value under 5. So it will read something like 1.3/5.0 which means you have a reading of 1.3 out of 5 and so your email should not be picked up as spam. The lower the rating you can get the better.
g. When this is done send a test email to yourself to check that you are happy with the format and that the links work.
h. Once you have completed this press “Choose Destination” to sent to your list, and then you can go on and add your second message, so on and so on.

3. Putting a message into your Autoresponder:

a. Log into your icontact account.
b. Hit the “Create” Tab.
c. In the box that says;”My Autoresponders” Click the “Create an Autoresponder” Link.
d. Name Your Autoresponder e.g. New MS Contacts, Training etc.
e. You can put in a description in the description box if you like but it is not necessary.
f. Then choose a list that you would like to use for this series of messages to be sent to.
g. Then place your name or your business name in the senders details and your business email address in the address that will appear as the return email address e.g. david@pegahorn.com
Then hit “Save and Add a Message”.
h. In the email subject place your subject line eg: Their name, Welcome to My New Business. (Use [fname] code if you want to use their name.) on the days to be sent out select Day 0 if you want it to go out on the day that they have first signed up to Your Business or as close as possible to that day. (The message will go out as soon as you have added them to the contacts and as long as you have enabled your Autoresponder, which I will show you how to do shortly)

4. Enable Your Autoresponder:

Before your messages are sent out you must enable your autoresponders by clicking on the “Send” tab and then click the link that says: “Enable My Autoresponders” and then by clicking the blue circular arrows on the page that loads up your message which will enable them to be sent.

Once again, if you have any questions regarding this training please contact me at david@pegahorn.com and I will help you.

If you find this information helpful please recommend this post. D !

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Is Twitter Just A Waste Of Time Or Can You Really Benefit ?

Twitter is now not only a Social tool, to meet new people and make contact with, but also a way to make New Business contacts.

Twitter is ranked by Alexa as the 35th most popular site in the world, and has over 8 million users worldwide.
Can you tap into this Social database, the answer is yes.

There are plenty of people on Twitter who would love to make contact with you, either from a business perspective or in regards to a common interest you might have.
If you haven't considered joining Twitter I suggest you do.

Go to http://www.twitter.com and join.
Now if you want to massively increase your Twitter connections, and follow people with relevant interests, or get them to follow you in a short space of time and also take the hard work out of twittering. Here is great tool.
Go to http://twitter.pegahorn.com and watch the Video.

The statistics show that 2-5% of Twitter followers actually read the tweets you send out, so if you have 20,000 people following you, you have between 400-1000 people reading your tweets.
Isn't that great exposure for you and your business.
Can you see the potential?
If you are a member of Twitter Add me as a contact @pegahorn

Friday, June 5, 2009

Is Adview Global Better Than Google? What Is Adview Global And How Does It Work?

AdView Global is an Advertising Portal with a member database of over 19,000 Globally and growing, it is in Prelaunch, and is regarded by the experts as “being on the cutting edge of the Global Advertising Market”!

I am earning money daily, by gaining sales from my advertised businesses and gaining attention from my advertised websites, while I’m spending less than 18 minutes per day viewing other people’s websites.

How Do I Get Involved With AdView Global?

1. Become a member, (Its free to Join), go to http://www.adviewworldwide.com
2. You can advertise up to 5 websites on the Adview Global page Impression Rotator.
3. You get paid to watch other member’s websites, by receiving credits.
4. You get paid a commission of 10% of the amount spent by someone you introduce to the business and 5% commission when they introduce someone.
5. Once you are set up you allocate credits to your website.
6. Other members view your website in the Page Impression Rotator so other members could become prospects and customers for your business.

So, you get paid credits by watching other member’s websites every day.
You can watch up to 72 websites a day, and get one credit per view.
So over 5 days if you watch the maximum amount of websites per day you can get 360 credits to allocate to your advertised websites.

The way it works is you:

1. Sign up for free go to http://www.adviewworldwide.com
2. You fund your account for a minimum of $US10 to fund the yearly subscription.
3. You use Solid Trust Pay or Strict Pay to do this.
4. When this is done you use the Dollars left over to buy page impressions.
5. You set up your Websites you want to advertise to the members.
6. You allocate page impressions to these sites.
7. Once this is done the AdView Rotator will start showing your sites to members.
8. To get more credits to add to your site start viewing your daily websites.
9. When you have viewed a minimum 24 websites per day you can allocate these credits to your own website. You can view up to 72 websites a day.

It costs $US1.00 to purchase one page impression, and each credit is worth a $US1.00.


It is worthwhile getting involved because I have gained more prospects and sales from Adview Global members viewing my websites, and I am also aware of what other members have available on Offer.
If you have any questions on Adview Global please contact me.

What Is The First Mistake Network Marketers When Approaching Prospects About Their Brand New Exciting Opportunity?

Well I think the only subject we should tackle it the ME scenario.
What is this you ask?
Well whenever someone approaches me with a product or service they launch into what THEY want to tell me, that's the wrong approach.
They send me to a website that talks about the company and themselves.
How Boring!
This me approach fails every time. What they should be doing is is asking questions about me, and finding out what I am doing, and a little about who I am. By doing this they are starting to create a relationship.
Their website should be asking questions of the prospect.

Relationships are more important than what you sell or what service you offer. So remember that all your conversations and websites and other materials that you have should reflect this.
Its all about the person you are speaking to, and what you can do for them, not about who you are and your opportunity, or your company.
Recommend this post to people who could benefit from this information! D !

Sunday, May 31, 2009

There Is A "Brand New" Free Skype Software SearchTool, That Enables You To Send Your Message To Thousands!

Use this Software by adding thousands of people to your Skype contacts for FREE, by clicking a button and then send them a message.
There are over 400 Million Skype users registered and there are between 10 & 15 Million currently online.
Use this tool to massively increase your business and social Contacts.
go to http://skype.pegahorn.com
Watch the 12 minute video, and then register for Free.
Cheers D!

What Can You Do To Build A List Outside Friends And Family?

The big mistake that most people make is they join a network marketing opportunity and they then get so excited and tell all the people they know about the opportunity.
You might get lucky and join a few people up but the after a while people get sick of you approaching them.
What you should do is look at building you list outside this community.
How do I do this you ask?
There are lots of ways to contact people on the net.
Social Networking is the way to contact people for free.
Join Facebook, Twitter, and Skype.
Just joining these three will give you the jump on most people.
Use these tools to build your list.
Skype: http://skype.pegahorn.com
Twitter: http://twitter.pegahorn.com
while you are building your list, you can search for the company or product that you might want to get involved in.
These tools are essential in getting a list, the next step is to monotise this list! D !

Where Can I Get The Network Marketing Skillset Required Before I Can Make Money On The Internet?

Well you have to start from somewhere, and I have searched the net for years for help in this regard. I came across a program called Magnetic Sponsoring owned by a guy called Mark Dillard.
I got involved and used his Magnetic Sponsoring book to get started. I purchased the book and it gave me great in site into why he was successful, and the tools needed to replicate his success. He built relationships with his lists, and continued to give free tips to anyone who contacted him.
I have created a list of emails that I send people who contact me in regards to this program.
They replicate what I do, and that guarantees them that they can tap into my knowledge.
Go to http://www.myglobalincome.com into that capture page and let me show you what I can do for YOU. D !

What Are The First Steps To Take If You Are New To Network Marketing!

Well that's very easy, don't join any Network Marketing Companies, and learn the basic skillset needed to utilise and market on the net.
Where do you start?
Well contact me and tell me what you want to do and I will help you.
I have Relationships all over the Globe and I have looked at many of the businesses on offer so you will get sound advise from me. D !